Commands are members of Plugin class or classes which inherit from it. See: examples/src/basic.d Example usage: @Command("hello", "hello2") //The command may respond to multiple triggers. @Enabled(true) //false turns the command off. It may be re-enabled elsewhere in code at run-time. @Description("A command that says 'hello' in channel.") //A description of what the command does. @Group("Leet") //The group this command can respond to. @RegEx(true) //Defaults to true, but can disable RegEx handling for command triggers. @CommandLevel(1) //The power level that the command requires ( normal = 1, mod = 50, admin = 100,) void onHello(CommandEvent event) { event.msg.reply("Hello, world!"); }
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A delegate type which represents a function used for handling commands.
A delegate type which represents a function used for filtering commands.
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A delegate type which can be used in UDAs to adjust a CommandObject's settings or behavior.
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Special event encapsulating MessageCreates, containing specific Bot utilties and functionality.
A CommandObject represents the configuration/state for a single command.
Base set of levels plugins can use.
Sets a channel permission requirement.
Sets a guild permission requirement.
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The Commandable template is a virtual implementation which handles the command UDAs, storing them within a local "commands" mapping.
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Utilities for building user-controlled commands with the dcord bot interface