A wrapper type for delegates that can be attached to an event, and run after all listeners are executed. This can be used to ensure an event has fully passed through all listeners, or to avoid having function/stack pointers within plugin code (which allows for dynamically reloading the plugin).
Sent when a channel is created.
Sent when a channel is deleted.
Sent when a channels pins are updated.
Sent when a channel is updated.
Sent when a guild ban is added.
Sent when a guild ban is removed.
Sent when a guild is created (often on startup).
Sent when a guild is deleted (or becomes unavailable)
Sent when a guilds emojis are updated.
Sent when a guilds integrations are updated.
Sent when a member is added to a guild.
Sent when a member is removed from a guild.
Sent when a guild member is updated.
Sent in response to RequestGuildMembers.
Sent when a guild role is created.
Sent when a guild role is deleted.
Sent when a guild role is updated.
Sent when a guild is updated
Sent when a message is created.
Sent when a message is deleted.
Sent when a bulk set of messages gets deleted from a channel.
Sent when a message is updated.
Sent when a user's presence is updated.
Sent when we initially connect, contains base state and connection information.
Sent when we've completed a reconnect/resume sequence.
Sent when a user starts typing.
Sent when this users settings are updated.
Sent when this user is updated.
Sent when a voice server is updated.
Sent when a voice state is updated.
Base template for events from discord. Handles basic initilization, and some deferred-function code.
Implementations of Discord events.